Area of expertise

BIM in property management

The construction industry has long been working with Building Information Models (BIM), technical documentation in digital format with a large information content. This information is created during the construction work and handed over to the property owner after the completion of the project.

At the same time, most real estate companies today feel that precisely that type of information is missing in operational management. The consequences are unnecessary costs and a negative impact on revenue.

The informational value of the technical documentation is well known in the industry - yet few succeed in making it available and using it. The drawing management tends to become merely a necessary evil – an archive that should be better organized.

How to attack the problem? Is it the system solution that is at fault? Many people have that opinion. Happily, better system support is rarely required to make the information available.

Drawing management

  • Drawings are the core of property management because, among other things, they manage surfaces and thus have a
    direct connection to costs and revenues
  • With correct drawings, business processes can
    such as error reporting and local adaptation are made more efficient
  • An effective drawing management is characterized by
    drawings form the basis of property structure and
    property information in the property system

3 success factors
In order to make more efficient use of drawing information, it is required:

  • Adapted working methods and processes for receiving and managing the information
  • Good integrations between property systems, drawing systems and project systems
  • Creative and commercial use of the information

This is based on the conditions of the business.

Wholeness and understanding
We consider drawing management, management information, property systems and project systems as a whole where information, organization and work processes must work together. The goal is to achieve an uninterrupted flow of information.

Our work often results in drawings and management information being used in new ways and becoming a more important part of management. Some of the benefits that can be achieved with the proper management of property information are:

  • Correct leaseable areas
  • Property information is available in the property system in time, which leads to a higher vacancy rate
  • Easier to plan and carry out maintenance and troubleshooting measures
  • Reduced consulting costs through drawings that have accurate information
  • Reduced costs for error remedial measures
  • Improved service to tenants and local guests

Ekan's offer

  • Development of strategy and action plan based on current conditions
  • Requirements and analysis of the existing system environment as well as support during development or purchase and implementation
  • Structure, order and clarity of documentation within the administrative area
  • Process orientation and business development

Going from traditional drawing management to making the information available in daily operations is experienced by many as a complex and overwhelming journey.

Ekan Management has made that journey many times together with various real estate companies. We know the way and we know what is required.

Our approach

  • We challenge established thought patterns and provide support in the work of daring to make prioritized path choices
  • We involve the entire business – from senior management to operations – to support effective change
  • We help you realize the change by driving the process from vision building to practical implementation and follow-up