Business & Financial Management

Although it may seem that the business and financial management accepted today is neither very old nor a law of nature. It stands firmly on monthly, quarterly and annual reporting and a management based on a pre-estimated resource allocation. The problem is that this form of operational and financial management is adapted to conditions that no longer apply.

A changing environment, well-educated and thinking employees, values in society, technological development, etc., mean that companies and organizations of all kinds need to be agile. This is something that we see many struggle with trying to understand and realize. As many times before, it is the whole that is missing – agile work methods do not work well together with traditional planning and follow-up, traditional control models, and system support based on outdated principles.

Ekan management is one of the few management consulting companies that are in demand internationally precisely with regard to our long experience in developing dynamic control and management models, modern management support functions and information structures that support agile working methods.