Renewed framework agreement with the Kammarkollegiet (ULV)
We are pleased to announce that Ekan Management, as part of the Vingasand consortium, continues to be trusted as a supplier of management services to the state, by having been awarded a framework agreement with the Chamber of Commerce in the area of ULV - Investigation, Management and Operations Management.
Ekan Management, together with our partner companies, has shown that we live up to the tough demands on excellence, breadth and experience that the Kammarkollegiet set in this year's procurement.
We look forward to another four years of framework agreements and exciting assignments in cooperation with the authorities and administrations that call for qualified support in investigation, management and governance from the ULV agreement.
Ekan Management combines extensive experience and innovative thinking within the types of assignments that the ULV agreement includes, and as Ekan Management has been framework agreement suppliers in the past, we have good knowledge of the customers, their conditions and challenges.
The new agreement comes into force on 07/01/2024. Read more about who can call off.
The Vingasand consortium consists of:
- Actea
- Add context
- Ekan Management
- midday
- Own
- Stratecute