Management consultant for a day, with Malin Wennebro
The magazine Chefstidningen contacted us at Ekan Management because they wanted to provide their readers with an insight on how a management consultant works and reason during an ordinary day at work. Working very intimately with our clients, it is not always easy to bring outsiders along during assignments. But our customer HSB gave green light and Ekan Management's assignment leader Malin Wennebro got to be the main character for a few hours.
Seeing the great value created for, and with, the clients every day, we find it important to safeguard the professional role as managament consultants. That value benefits our client's organizations as well as the society as a whole. To that end, we also want to highlight the important work of the trade organization Sweden's Management Consultant (SAMC) to strengthen professionalism and quality assurance in the industry. Nobody has more to gain from that than the customers, and management consultancy suppliers like ourselves, that want to provide high quality and independent management consulting services.
The article is part of a reportage that reflects the role of a management consultant from different perspectives. Very readable, we think!
We are grateful that Chefstidningen has agreed to let us share the reportage!