Business managers! Join our new study on the Business Controller role
During the autumn Ekan performed with trading Consulting a survey study among Business Controllers in Swedish companies. The questions were about how BC's perceived its role and how it developed, both regarding how they themselves thought it should develop and how they think it actually come to be developed in the future.
We are now conducting a follow-up study where we ask similar questions about the BC role to Business Area Managers and the like. This time we want to know what support the recipients (clients, customers) of Business Controller's work feel that they get, what support they feel they have should receive and what support they think they have actually come to get ahead.
We would like to reach you who today is the recipient / client / internal customer of Business Controller's work. You can help to create an image of current situation and development needs by participating in our survey study. Everyone who participates also has exclusive access to what the study comes to.
Fill in this Form we will send you a unique link. We need your notification by December 15, 2011. The information is used solely for the survey. They are not saved and are of course not sold!
The results will also be presented at a webinar on March 13, 2012, in conjunction with the conference Business Management 2.0.