Swedish industry handles tomorrow's challenges - today!
Status report from the innovation program Production2030
Globalization, new technology and increased environmental considerations are some of the macro trends that place ever higher demands on Swedish industry. To ensure that Sweden stands strong in the increasingly tough international market Engineering Industries work on developing an innovation program for continued competitiveness among Swedish technology companies. The goal is that by 2030, Sweden is one of the world's leading countries in sustainable production.
The strategic innovation program Produktion2030 takes its starting point in the agenda Made in Sweden 2030, developed by Engineering Industries in close cooperation with others Swedish Production Academy, Swerea IVF, Chalmers, KTH and IF Metall. Ekan Management , through Petra Lundgren, Patrik Axelsson and Gustaf Stetler, in 2014 contributed to the work by participating in the expert groups that discussed trends, challenges and solutions to achieve the vision set.
New business models
One trend, as well as a challenge, which was frequently discussed during the meetings is the transition to more circular business models, with an increasing focus on both service offerings and on re-use, re-production and recycling. This change is expected to lead to an increasingly sustainable Swedish industry, while there are also great business opportunities for the businesses that manage to change their business models to meet customer needs and at the same time reduce the need for resources.
We see some of this shift towards more service-based products in Sweden, among other things. in the automotive industry but also ABB, Atlas Copco, Alfa Laval and Ericsson. Here, we see a challenge in eliminating the gap between market offer and business model in order to gain both high customer value and profitability as the service offering is expanded.
Innovation throughout the chain
We are convinced that Swedish industry has good prospects of being competitive by 2030, but it will require adjustments, shifts in business models and innovations strong enough to transform industries. A holistic perspective, speed of movement and the willingness to challenge prevailing structures and ways of thinking are keys that lead us towards the vision:
“In 2030, Sweden is one of the world's leading countries for sustainable production. Sweden is also the first choice for the development and production of advanced goods and services. "
In order to achieve this goal, great demands will be placed on production. However, the major challenge lies in achieving a holistic perspective, where all parts of the chain - from management and the market, via R&D and production and even into the customer chain - go in the same direction. For management, this is about enabling the business to be innovative, as well as to challenge and challenge existing business models, and to slaughter some sacred cow along the way. Thus, in order to achieve long-term competitive advantages, the innovation power needs to be based on Management Innovation, ie. how we, through the company's management and control processes, create the conditions required for continuous innovation in both production, product development and new business models.
Want to know more about Management Innovation, or how Ekan Management looking at the future of Swedish industry - contact Malin Wennebro or Hans-Owe Sjöö.