Ekan offers learning evaluation and follow-up research

An important part of all business development is the evaluation and follow-up of set goals. Traditional evaluation is usually done after a completed project. However, follow-up research / learning evaluation takes place continuously during the course of the project or process, with continuous feedback to the organization and participants. The evaluation thus serves as a quality assurance and provides good conditions for the project to reach its goals.

In projects financed by the EU, for example by the Social Fund or the Regional Fund, there is often a requirement for an external party to act as a follow-up researcher and to support the project with the learning evaluation. Ekan's way of working is based on the fact that we work together with the project based on a clear role description based on trust and integrity. In the role of follow-up researcher / evaluator, we do not act as auditors or auditors, but follow up and feedback with ideas and support for the project to achieve its set goals. The needs and structure of the project govern our methodology and we always work closely with the project management.

We see the mutual transfer of skills between Ekan's experienced consultants and the employees in the projects as a matter of course and provide added value for all parties.

Ekan has extensive experience in learning evaluation and several of our consultants have been specially trained in follow-up research in accordance with EU principles for Ongoing evaluation.

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